It is no secret that I have been struggling a great deal! I am feeling alittle "put" out I guess. I (until recently) had been working my butt off with some really good results. But no one had noticed I had lost almost 40 pounds!! We were at church when people started coming up to my husband telling him how great he looked....he does look really good. He is thinner now than when we started dating. Why is it men can just cut out a small amount and drop 40+ pounds so fast!! I'm not looking for glory here, but i just want someone to see all the hard work I've done. I know I'm whining a lot here!!
This is a picture of me in a convention...i'm in the blue shirt. Before starting my weight loss journey.
I skipped weigh in this week because last week I gained 3 pounds. I stepped on the scaled Monday morning and I was up another 2 pounds!!! I am SO angry with myself. I'm a stress eater. It also hasn't helped my husband has been bringing junk back into the house. I know it doesn't mean I need to eat it but I haven't been able to stay away from it. I'm very weak! He brings home Italian bread from the bakery, candy, sweets ect. I told him I can't have that stuff in the house...but is it right for me to not allow him something he likes?
This is us in March the week I started TOPS.
Here we are 2 weeks ago....see how thin hubby is? I don't see any difference in myself. I know i'm throwing a pitty party but I'm so frustrated I can just scream...but I don't want to wake my kids yet...LOL!
I will try and keep my blog up to date. I'm off to get my butt kicked by Jillian Michaels on the Biggest Loser "game" for the Wii.