Saturday, March 27, 2010

This and that and a couple of awards

I've been having a pretty bad week.  My TOM is coming on with a vengence this month.  I am very worried about my weight in on Monday.  I know having a small gain or stay the same is something that will happen.  I'm reading the book "The Spark" written by Chris Downie founder and CEO of
This book is FULL of helpful information on weight loss.  There is even an extra online section for those who buy the book.  I have been diving into this book as well as reading blogs. If you have not read this book I highly recommend this book.  No matter where you are in your weight loss journey.

Now for the awards I've received....

I got both of these from Jessica at CBGBlog.  She has been such an inspiration, as well as many other blogs I've been reading.  So many times in this journey we are on we feel SO alone, like no one understands what we are going through.  Then we happen upon blogs/websites where they know exactly what we are going through.  It feels so good to have these people in my life, whether near or far.  Since I don't have 10 people to pass this onto I'm just throwing it out there for anyone I've been in contact with to accept.  We are on this journey together...lets keep up the wonderful support!!


Your HUBBY said...

Hey there! You are doing great! I loved the way you looked when we first met, the way you looked at our wedding, and the way you looked a year ago! You are looking awesome now. I am so proud of you! You are much more committed than I have ever seen you before! Keep up the good work! Whether you gain, lose, or stay the same, you are my hero!

Jessica - cbgblog said...

:) I'm glad you liked them.
Look who left you a comment... AWWWWWW