Monday, April 5, 2010

Weigh in Week 6

I had my first gain tonight. 


I kind of expected it, I got my TOM this morning.  My fingers are all swelled and I've been crying at the drop of a hat...LOL!  I will step it up this week and loose the 3 pounds and then some for next week.


Jessica - cbgblog said...

Well there you go... way to say you are going to step it up. It will work out... you are just starting so it is okay to have some ups and downs.

MaryFran said...

Sorry to hear about the gain....but I LOVE LOVE LOVE you attitude. Wiht that attitude, you will do great!!!!

lindalou said...

Saw you at MaryFran's site and I came to visit....You're doing Great...

forget about the gain and do the next right thing!!

We're all in the same boat and it's HARD...but the alternative, to me right now, is not acceptable and I'm not giving up, despite the gains...and I'll be following along to make sure you keep plugging away. We all can do this!!

Jessica - cbgblog said...

haven't seen you around in a week.... how are you doing?